“The space in which we live should be for the person we are becoming now, not for the person we were in the past.”

— Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Photo Credit:  Janae Hardy
Photo Credit:  Janae Hardy

How The KonMari Method® is different.

Most traditional home organizing methods advocate tidying on a room-by-room approach as well as on a little-at-a-time-basis. This causes us to feel as if we are in a constant cycle of never-ending home organization projects.

The KonMari Method® takes tidying to an entirely new level with a few foundational differences:

  • Begin with a vision: for your home and your life.

  • Tidy by category, not by location.

  • Declutter your belongings before deciding how + where to store them.

  • Tidy your entire home once in a relatively short period of time - and you will never need to do it again.

All belongings in your home can be grouped into the following five categories - and are tidied in this order:

  1. Clothing

  2. Books

  3. Papers

  4. Komono (miscellaneous items)

  5. Sentimental Items

Keep only those items that speak to the heart. What no longer brings joy or serves a purpose can be let go with gratitude.

This philosophy has gained international attention + popularity - not simply for its effectiveness, but also due to its intentional focus on gratitude, mindfulness, and cultivating a life that sparks joy.

Try Life Decluttered

Reclaim your time - you were made for more. It’s time to tidy up once and for all.

“The question of what you want to own is really the question of how you want to live.”

-Marie Kondo, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

Marie Kondo is a renowned tidying expert, bestselling author, star of Netflix's hit show, "Tidying Up With Marie Kondo," and founder of KonMari Media, Inc.

In her #1 New York Times bestselling book, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up," Marie took tidying to a whole new level, teaching that if you properly simplify and organize your home once, you'll never have to do it again. The KonMari Method® is about choosing what to keep – not what to get rid of – and celebrating objects that spark joy for you.

Marie has been featured in numerous publications and talk shows; she has been named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World.

Photo Credit, KonMari Media, Inc.

Photo Credit, KonMari Media, Inc.